Monday, December 10, 2007

46 days

44 days more to our Long Vacation. We been thru lots of ups and downs while planning for this trip. I'm feeling very tired. I do look forward to the trip..but on the other hand...Very Very stress. I always feels that, no matter how rough the road is....I'll still move on coz, you are with me. 陪我走過如坐過山車一般的日子...

I know you are a kind person. But, I do hope that you will spare a thought for my feelings. I know you loves me alot..... alot....

Perhaps its my problem. I cannot accept that my partner..treats someone else so good. I don't mind if you give her a treat or 2... or helps a LITTLE if she really needs help. but, what you are doing is too over. Your facial expressions...your joy shows me how happy you are when you managed to talk her out to travel with us. Next, when you can't get air ticket for her..the looks on your face cheated on you. It shows eager you wans to get her tickets and how worried you are. You said that I always have funny thoughts on my mind and too sensitive. So I tried to push all those funny thoughts away...but again & again your actions & words shows me that ... you do like her. Frens came telling me how they feels ...& how protective your are towards her.

I know you will deny. Well, I'm not a kid. I have feelings too.